Monday, April 6, 2009

Editorialism... Karla

Karla @ Contempo for DEEP Magazine.
Photograph: Diego Carballo.
Hair and Make up: Adán Massigrande.
Fashion: Diana Blázquez, Gaby Ramírez, Rosana Marmissolle @ Vainilla Produce.

Karla @ Contempo, en entrevista y shooting, habla de su vida, trabajo, espectativas, todo para conocer un poco de la modelo y conductora que poco a poco figura en la escena del TV en México.... Ah y olvidamos mencionar el sexy editorial??
In interview and shooting, Karla @ Contempo talks about her life, job, expectations, all to get to know better the model and Tv host, that is breaking in to the national Tv scene.... Oh, Did we forget to mention the sexy editorial??